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Mar 21

Patients diagnosed by their primary care physician with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) have likely been recommended to use a CPAP machine to treat their condition. The CPAP machine is one way in which professionals may help patients with OSA. While CPAP is the best treatment for certain degrees and more severe forms of OSA, patients […]

Mar 13

Missing and extracted teeth can have a negative impact on your smile and function. As soon as teeth are removed or lost, you should schedule an appointment with Drs. Mike and Marisa Milligan in Bloomington, IL to learn about your tooth replacement options. There are various way in which patients can restore their smile, including […]

Nov 13

Many patients in the Bloomington, IL area might wonder about the purpose of dental cleanings. They may brush and floss their teeth after every meal and wonder if dental cleanings and routine examinations are truly necessary. They are! With regular visits to the dentist, patients can have their teeth cleaned thoroughly and enjoy the benefits […]

Oct 22

When dentists work with patients, they take the time to educate them on proper oral health habits and the benefits of good oral hygiene. Drs. Mike and Marisa Milligan of Eastland Dental Center in Bloomington, IL provide safe and effective treatment options for conditions that may arise. This includes cavities and gum disease. Patients who […]

Sep 03

At Eastland Dental Center, Bloomington, IL area patients can enjoy a wide selection of dental services to improve oral health. This includes preventative services including teeth cleanings, oral cancer screenings, and examinations. Why is preventative dental care important? Many patients think of visiting their dentist only when they have an issue such as an injury […]

Aug 16

When patients in the Bloomington, IL area are interested in preventive services at the dentist, the first thing they think of is an examination. But another important part of these visits every six months is the cleaning. Regular teeth cleanings and exams help maintain the health of the smile over the course of time. These […]

Aug 06

When searching for sleep apnea treatment near me in Bloomington, Illinois, dental offices may not immediately come to mind. But Eastland Dental Center is the right place for comfortable and effective snoring solutions. Why snoring solutions and sleep apnea treatment go together It’s estimated that 80 million North Americans snore. Snoring can be the primary […]

Jul 30

Cavities are an issue that can affect patients in the area of Bloomington, IL. and across the world. This condition can result in loss of healthy tooth structure. When left untreated, patients may experience severe discomfort, toothaches, or even need treatments such as root canal therapy to bring the smile back to health. Instead, with […]

Jun 22

At Eastland Dental Center, our professionals are faced with many different dental situations in our practice. Patients in Bloomington, IL and Normal, IL often visit us with concerns about restoring their smiles. A common restoration used in our practice is dental crowns. They play a significant role in dentistry and are commonly used to address […]

May 09

If you’ve been told that you need a filling for a decayed, cracked, or fractured tooth, you should consider composite dental fillings from Eastland Dental Center in Bloomington, IL. At our dental office, we use composite dental fillings because they blend in naturally with your other teeth and they are durable and long-lasting. If you […]

Feb 16

The health of your mouth is important to leading a healthy lifestyle. Preventing common dental issues such as gum disease and decay is important to maintaining oral health. When educating our patients about preventable dental conditions, there is a lot of confusion surrounding symptoms and diagnosis. Many patients wonder is gingivitis gum disease? Or is […]

Aug 18

In the last several decades, changes in technology have brought about significant advancements in dentistry. Your dentist now has new tools that aid in the early detection of dental diseases, techniques that facilitate comfortable treatment, and the ability to design your smile to be both healthy and attractive. Dating back many decades, dental fillings were […]