Dental Implants

Can dental implants replace missing teeth in the back of the mouth?

If a patient has a lost or extracted tooth at the back of the mouth, specifically the molars, they may wonder if dental implants are an option for replacing the missing tooth. The answer is yes. Dental implants can be used for back teeth. The team at Eastland Dental Center in Bloomington, Illinois, provides implants and other tooth replacement options for patients to consider. Let’s take a closer look at this excellent tooth replacement solution and why it has become a popular way to address tooth loss in our adult patients.

What are dental implants, and how do they replace missing teeth?

Dental implants are a popular and very effective solution for our patients at Eastland Dental Center to replace missing teeth. These are titanium posts that act as artificial tooth roots once placed into the jawbone surgically. Once healed and integrated into the bone, a crown, bridge, or a full, complete denture is attached to the implants to restore function and aesthetics to the mouth.

What are the advantages of using titanium dental implants to replace the teeth in the back of the mouth?

Dental implants are considered a long-term solution for tooth loss and offer several benefits over other replacement options, including bridges or dentures. They provide stability and support for surrounding teeth, preventing them from shifting out of position. Implants also help maintain jawbone structure and prevent bone loss, which occurs when a natural tooth is missing. In addition, our dental implants look and feel like natural teeth, allowing for improved chewing function and a more aesthetically pleasing smile.

Before & After

What is the success rate of dental implants?

Thanks to continued improvements in the fabrication, placement, and care of dental implants, they have a very high success rate. Dr. Marisa Milligan finds that with proper care and attention, they can last a lifetime and provide a solution for missing teeth for many years to come!

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What alternative options are available when compared to dental implants?

While dental implants continue to be a popular solution for replacing missing teeth, they are not the only choice. Dr. Marisa Milligan and the team at Eastland Dental Center will also discuss alternatives so patients can make an educated decision on the replacement option most appropriate for their needs. Alternative solutions include dentures and bridges, which are also available at our office.

Request a visit with Dr. Marisa Milligan of Eastland Dental Center to learn more about dental implants “near me!”

Our Bloomington, Illinois, area office is here to provide the care and attention patients deserve when visiting a dentist for oral health care.

If you are located in the area and want to start working with our team at Eastland Dental Center, call (309) 663-4711 to request an appointment at 1404 Eastland Drive, Suite #101.

We are open to new and current patients and families looking for the best care in the area for themselves and their households!

Eastland Dental Center

Eastland Dental Center is owned and operated by the father-daughter duo, Dr. Mike Milligan and Dr. Marisa Milligan.

Dr. Mike completed his doctor of dental medicine degree from Southern Illinois University in 1978. Dr. Marisa completed her doctor of dental medicine degree from Midwestern University in 2015. Both doctors have logged hundreds of hours of continuing education to stay on top of the latest technologies in dentistry as well as the most current research on the oral-systemic, mouth-body connection to benefit their patients. Dr. Mike and Dr. Marisa are active members and in excellent standing with the American Dental Association, Illinois State Dental Association, Chicago Dental Society, McLean County Dental Association, American Academy of Oral Systemic Health, and numerous other societies.

Both doctors are avid golfers and have won several national golf tournaments over the years. They are the only father-daughter team in the state to have won the Illinois State Amateur Golf Championship. Dr. Mike in 1974 and Dr. Marisa in 2005.

Dr. Mike Milligan

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