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Aug 04

Missing teeth cause a lot of problems Smiling is a simple pleasure that has a positive effect on you and those around you. However, if you have a gap in your smile from a missing tooth, it is unlikely that you will feel like smiling. Even worse, missing teeth can make talking and eating difficult. […]

Aug 04

Titanium isn’t just for the golf course. It turns out; it is used in dental implants as well. Part of the reason is because of a process called osseointegration. This means that the bone and the titanium implant fuse together which makes the implant that much more secure. If you have lost a tooth or […]

Aug 04

Dental implants have two main purposes in cosmetic dentistry. Dental implants can be placed and topped with a crown in order to replace a missing tooth, or they can be used in conjunction with dentures in order to help offer additional support and structure for a strong hold. When missing teeth are not replaced, the […]

Aug 04

One of the goals of your dentist is to help you keep your teeth for a lifetime. As much as we may try to avoid damage to the teeth and gums, we understand that tooth loss cannot be avoided in every situation. Whether a result of decay, trauma, or gum disease, our focus after tooth […]

Aug 04

Confucius say “Good thing no cheap—cheap thing no good.” Yet when your dentist in Bloomington, IL tells you that you should get dental implants to replace your missing teeth, you may be still be put off by the cost of the implants at first. Before you decide to go for a cheaper restoration, though, you […]

Aug 04

Many individuals fear tooth loss because of the impact it has on self-esteem, confidence, nutrition, and potentially overall health and wellness. While tooth loss is very common, affecting more than 30 percent of people between 65 and 74 worldwide, it is not an inevitable result of aging. Some of the reasons for loss of teeth […]

Aug 04

A smile that has lost one or more teeth is affected in many ways. It may not look as beautiful, and the missing teeth can cause problems such as bone loss, shifting of the existing teeth, and inefficient chewing. It is important that patients seek a solution from a dentist as soon as a tooth […]

Aug 04

Drs. Mike Milligan and Marisa Milligan of Eastland Dental Center in Bloomington understand how important it is to have a smile that is healthy, beautiful, and fully functional. Using some of today’s amazing technology and advanced solutions, patients can enjoy the restoration of their smile with treatment such as affordable dental implants. What are dental […]

Aug 04

Dental implants are among the most requested treatments at our Bloomington, IL office. They are considered the preferred solution for missing teeth, with many unique benefits. One of the most common concerns is cost, which is far more affordable than you might expect. Financial cost of implants vs alternatives You’ve probably heard that implants are […]

Aug 04

A dental emergency can be more than a lost tooth, though this is the urgent situation most people think of when imagining why prompt dental attention could be needed. Urgent situations may also include tooth or gum tissue injury or a persistent, severe toothache. Regardless of the type of dental situation, emergencies can lead to […]

Aug 04

When we hear the term “dental emergency,” we may immediately think of some sort of traumatic injury. Perhaps a tooth got knocked out or broken, or soft tissue has been injured in some way. A number of situations may be considered a dental emergency. One of the most frequently seen dental emergencies, however, is a […]

Aug 04

Dental emergencies can happen at any time anywhere, often while doing mundane tasks. Eating dinner, tripping on a flight of stairs, or playing sports all have the potential to end in one of the most common dental emergencies, a broken or knocked out tooth. Knowing how to respond to the emergency and receiving prompt dental […]